Saga of the Candy Apple Scroll
When King tried to trademark the term Candy for their Bejeweled rip-off it really pissed a lot of people off. While the shocking success of such a poor game had resulted in a lot of candy themed games, there were candy themed games long before their atrocious game existed and candy is a very common term. As a result a bunch of Game Jammers decided to create a game jam in which the word Candy (and optionally other trademarked words that also don't deserve trademark status) is used in the title. This is a simple memory game with a story directly related to the name of the game.
This game was created fairly quickly so is not as polished as I would like but it is unlikely that I will revisit this game as I just made it to make a statement. Still, for a quick play-through the game is fairly fun. If you are a lawyer for one of the words in my title, you can email me at spelchan at blazinggames dot com.